WhiteCoats helps doctors be effective - Receive latest medical news, reach out to a wide network of 250,000 doctors across 125+ specialties, discuss medical cases and use tools to improve clinical practices.
- Medical News
- Case Discussions
- Association Updates
- Professional Network
- Digital Library
- Surveys, Polls and Quizzes
- Secure Messaging
- Patient Privacy Protection
We are proud to be digital partners to over 60 medical associations in India, and have over 250,000 doctors across specialties registered with WhiteCoats.
The WhiteCoats app is completely free for doctors. Download the app to get started. If you have any suggestions to improve our app, or have any usage issues, please reach us through Mob: +91-7093993112, or Email: support@whitecoats.com
WhiteCoats帮助医生有效-接收最新的医学新闻,与遍布 125 + 专业领域的 250,000 医生的广泛网络联系,讨论医疗案例并使用工具来改善临床实践。
WhiteCoats应用程序对医生完全免费。下载该应用程序以开始使用。如果您对改善我们的应用程序有任何建议,或有任何使用问题,请通过以下网址与我们联系:手机[b]:+ 91-7093993112 ,或电子邮件: support@whitecoats.com